Probus-For retired & semi-retired people who appreciate and value contact with others
who have similar interests
Monthly Meetings
The Mount Waverley Mens and Ladies Probus Club meet on the third Thursday of each month at 10:00am, on the 1st Floor of the Masonic Hall, 318 Stephenson's Road, Mount Waverley.
Each meeting features a guest speaker. Our guest speakers cover a very wide ranging selection of topics, catering for the interests of all our members.
The meeting is followed by a luncheon at a nearby, reasonably priced, restaurant.
Post Meeting Lunch.
Yet another very pleasant lunch at The Hakka last month with 23 in attendance. Much good conversation and fellowship. We again stress that all members are invited to our Post Meeting lunch each month just over the road at The Great Eastern HAKKA Restaurant. It is great value, consisting of a welcome drink, an entrée of pitta bread and salad, a main course of choice, and tea/coffee/cookie – all for just $19pp. No need to book – just decide to join in on the day and make it a very enjoyable social occasion..
Arthur (9807 3989) & Ewen (9802 9338)

Join Us for Lunch
After the meeting join us at Great Eastern Hakka -- just across the road from the Masonic Hall where we meet.
Enjoyable discussion, bit of fun.
We have solved many global problems during our after meeting lunch get together
Monthly Meeting & Group Meetings
Below is information about monthly meeting & group meetings
Coffee Club Group - Second Monday each month
Monthly Meeting - Third Thursday each month
Movie Group - Fourth Wednesday each month
Theatre Group - As arranged
Walking Group - First Friday each month
Whine & Dine Group - As arranged